Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

Useful Information


Our current PE day is Tuesday but we suggest that children leave their PE kits at school throughout the week and we will send them home in the holiday so that they can be washed. Please can earrings be removed on that day at home unless your child can do this themselves. Thank you.


Homework will be sent home on a Friday via Marvellous Me. Please spend time with your child listening to them read and doing their homework. They can bring their homework in on Monday and I will send them a Marvellous Me badge.

Forest School

We have Forest School on a Wednesday afternoon. If you would like your child to wear wellington boots then please make sure they have them in school on that day.

Indoor shoes

Your child will need a pair of indoor shoes to change into when they come into the classroom. These can be either a pair of pumps or slippers. Thank you.

Reading Books

Children will need their book bags at school every day as we change books on a different day every week. Children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book along with two supplementary books each week. We ask that you listen to your child read each evening and make a note of what they have read in their reading record please.


Strong Start to Year 1 Presentation

Marvellous Me

Please keep an eye on Marvellous Me as we will be using this to share all of the amazing hard work children are putting into their learning.

We will also use it to send useful information and reminders about upcoming events.

Strong Start to Year 2 Presentation