Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

Breakfast for all 


The aim of the Magic Breakfast Programme is to ensure no child starts the day too hungry to learn.

At least half a million children in the UK arrive at school each day too hungry to learn. Research has shown a direct link between the breakfast habits of children and their educational attainment, with children in primary schools where breakfast is provided achieving on average up to two months’ additional academic progress over the course of a year.

This service will ensure more children receive a healthy breakfast at the start of their day and improve educational outcomes of disadvantaged young people.

How it works at Wheldon Infants School

At 8.55am until 9.05am throughout school the children will be given 1/2 a bagel to eat in their classroom during the register.  Children that arrive late to school will be offered a bagel on arrival.

 Breakfast Club is £5.00 per session and includes a healthy breakfast choice.

Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium Grant receive one funded session a week