Nursery Learning
Reception Learning
Games for Reception
Counting, Matching & OrderingUnderwater Counting 1-1 CorrespondenceFeed the Monsters the Correct ShapeAddition to 10 Using PicturesUsing 1p coins up to £1.00
Games for Year 1
Place Value - Shark Numbers, Play Your Cards Right, Coconut Odd or Even
Calculation - Ten Frame, Bottle Take Away
Shape - Shape Patterns, Math Learning Geoboard
Games for Year 2
Calculation - Mental Maths Train, Hit the Button, Partition Addition
Place Value – Place Value Basketball, Pop N Drop
Money - The Change Game, Coins Game
Time – Hickory Dickory
SMSC in Maths
National Numeracy Day 22.5.24
Nursery thoroughly enjoyed participating in a range of different mathematical activities throughout the day.
In Year 1 we played the number bots bingo game and as a class we thought of a list of jobs that would use numbers. We created our own pictures of our dream jobs and we chose the winners to enter the Number Heroes Competition. Please look at our entries.
At Wheldon Infant School and Nursery we aim to help children develop a love for Mathematics. Mathematics gives pupils the tools to function and excel in all walks of life, developing the skills to tackle everyday problems and succeed in future employment. It encourages and develops logical and creative thinking through problem solving. Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum and a prime area in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. We believe that children’s attitudes to mathematics are formed through their early experiences at school and influenced by the feelings of their peers and the adults they learn from. Our aims ensure that our children are given the best possible introduction to Mathematics and become confident, enthusiastic and competent mathematicians in preparation for their future schooling and lives.
Year 1 Learning
Year 2 Learning
Maths in EYFS
The teaching of Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is called Mathematic Development. It is one of the seven areas of learning and is made up of two main aspects: Numbers and numerical patterns. It is vital to lay secure foundations in early mathematics. In Early Years, maths is taught in a purposeful, practical way and children use play and exploration to acquire mathematical skills. In Reception this year we are implementing mastering number.
Maths in KS1
Throughout Key Stage 1, we follow White Rose Maths and are currently on our mastery journey with the Yorkshire Maths Hub implementing a fidelity to mastery teaching. Our Mathematics curriculum will provide many opportunities for children to develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. The use of practical equipment, such as concrete objects and measuring tools, will support the children to gain a deeper conceptual understanding before being challenged through tasks and questions to explain their reasoning and solve a range of problems. The children are equipped with the skills to recognise shapes and their properties and measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.
This document shows how Maths is taught in our school from Nursery to Year 2