Useful Information
Physical Education (PE)
Our PE day this half term is Tuesday.
To ensure children always have their kit, we ask for PE kits to stay in school until the end of each half term when we will send them home.
We ask that all earrings are removed before every PE lesson and that hair is tied up.
.Forest School
Our Forest School session this half term is Wednesday. This will be weather permitting.
Marvellous ME
Marvellous ME is a reward system used in school to enable parents to see the amazing efforts children put in to their learning each day.
Please check your Marvellous ME account on a regular basis to witness what your children are doing in school and praise their efforts. Marvellous ME will also be used as a tool to send home any useful information and reminders about upcoming events.
Strong Start to Year 1 Presentation
Don't forget to look at our weekly journal...
Snack Time
In Year 1 all children are offered a fruit snack everyday. All children have access to their water bottles throughout the day. Water bottles must contain water or flavoured water- no juice please!
If you would like your child to have milk this can be paid for via the school gateway app. Please contact the office for any further assistance.
Our class novel is currently:
Our reading follows the scheme Read Write Inc (RWI). Reading will take place in school daily through this scheme; however, we ask that you listen to your child read each evening and make note of this in their reading record.
Please can book bags be brought to school every day as we follow a 3-day rolling programme to swap books. The books sent home will depend solely on the phonics group your child is in. However, all children will be sent home with at least one book or worksheet in line with their stage. If you would like any information on how we teach RWI please don't hesitate to ask!
Indoor Shoes
Children will need a pair of indoor shoes to change in to at school. These can be pumps or slippers.