Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

Useful Information


In Nursery we believe the best learning happens through play. We enjoy a hands on approach to our learning, developing and learning through trial and error. We have lots of opportunities to apply our learning and test our ideas. Play allows children to communicate ideas, to understand others through social interaction, paving the way to build deeper understanding and more powerful relationships. Children play to make sense of the world around them, and to find meaning in an experience by connecting it to something already known.


We follow the statutory seven areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters and have a high focus on developing your child’s prime areas of learning including 'Personal, Social and Emotional' and 'Language and Communication' skills. 


We also have focused carpet times  where we carry out our weekly maths focus, phonics sessions, oracy sessions, squiggle whilst you wiggle and dough disco.  Our carpet times spark interest and curiosity and provide children with the ideas to take forward into their exploring time.  Our activities stimulate curiosity to build 'thinkers' and 'doers'. 


Our provision is enhanced regularly, and is often centered around our half termly topics. See 'Our Learning' page to see our current topic and the cross curricular links we will make. We believe in following the children's interests and adapt our classroom to meet their needs and interests. 




Marvellous Me

Marvellous Me is a simple app that helps us with sharing wonderful news about your child’s learning and positive behaviour. We will also use it to send reminders and to share useful information.


Tapestry is an online learning journal where we will be documenting your child's 'wow' moments whilst in school. Parents are able to send us observations and photos from home too. There is no "wrong" thing to send from home as we love seeing all the things you do! We share observations from home daily with the children, they love sharing their experiences with each other. 

Snack time

We offer a morning and afternoon snack. All children are offered a fruit snack  everyday. All children have access to their water bottles throughout the day. Water bottles must contain water or flavoured water- no juice please!


How can you help?

Working in partnership with parents and/or carers is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage. Please support your child's learning and development by carrying out our weekly learning challenge and keeping up to date with our weekly learning. Sharing stories is a great way to support children's communication and language skills, this exposes children to a world of new vocabulary and really develops their language skills. Develop their number sense and maths awareness by exploring the world around them, counting how many steps you have climbed, looking for shapes in the environments and singing lots of number songs are great ways to support your child. Support your child to be as independent as they can be, encouraging them to try and put on their own coat, wash their own hands etc. If you want to seek out anymore information on how you can support your child'[s learning and development please speak to Miss Southern.