Gallery 2024-2025
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Party
Making Snowmen
Leaf Printing and Leaf Threading
Making Hedgehogs...
Celebrating Diwali
We created rangoli and mendhi patterns and learnt all about how Hindu's celebrate Diwali.
Meeting the birds of prey...
Here are some videos from our harvest celebrations.
We have been finding matching pairs in maths
We made collages inspired by the artist Henri Matisse - September 2024
Forest School - September 2024
Exploring our nursery classroom and making new friends - September 2024
Gallery 2023-2024
Seaside day!
Graduation 2024
School trip- Temple Newsam
Forest school sessions with the coach
Science Week 2024
World Book day 2024
Animal tea party
Playdough animal models!
Children's Mental Health Week
Forest school
Exploring the snow!
Understanding the world
We learnt all about human made and natural items. We then went on a hunt around the school grounds to see what we could find. The children used their new knowledge to identify which group the objects fitted into!
Physical Development
We have enjoyed taking our PE learning into the hall over the last couple of weeks, we have consolidated our locomotion skills. We have looked at the different ways to move, different speeds and balancing. The children have really enjoyed this learning.
Nursery and Reception Nativity- 2023
Diwali learning
The children have enjoyed learning all about Diwali, the festival of lights, we have taken part in some great awe and wonder opportunities to spark the children's curiosity. We listened to traditional celebration music and had a go at our own traditional dance moves, we have made diya lamps, we have watched videos of firework displays, made Rangoli patterns in a range of different ways and even tried some tasty food. We learnt a fantastic call and response song too! Happy Diwali from all in Nursery!
Remembrance Day
Nursery enjoyed learning all about the importance of Remembrance Day, we looked at some artefacts which Mrs Campbell brought in including; a whistle, medals, pins, cards, dominos and a military jacket. The children learnt why people wear poppies as a sign of respect and created their own. We took part in a whole school 2 minute silence.
Stay and play
-Thank you to all our parents and carers who attended our first settling in stay and play! It was lovely to welcome so many of you into our class. It was great to celebrate how well the children have settled into school life and update you on their progress so far!
Pumpkin patch and Autumn art
-Nursery have dived into Autumn, we have had so much fun creating artwork with our own nature paintbrushes. The children have collected leaves and carried out leaf painting to make lovely leaf prints. A new popular spot in the class in our pumpkin patch role play area, the children have acted out experiences, listened to each other and used their imaginations. Lots of fun has been had by all!
How have we changed?
-Nursery have spent this half term exploring how we changed since we were all babies and what we can do now compared to then. We have developed our understanding of our own immediate past linking to our own baby photos and experiences. We have enjoyed discussing what we can do now, how we look different and speaking about what we needed help with in our own past. We have ordered the human life cycle and recognised our own place in it. We also had a special visitor to help us cement this learning, Baby Thea and her Mummy visited us. The children behaved amazingly, asked lots of questions and listened to learn lots more. This have certainly sparked lots of awe and wonder opportunities in Nursery!
Forest school
-Nursery have enjoyed our weekly forest school sessions, we have enjoyed developing our independence skills by getting our own wellies on and managing our own risks in a new environment. We have enjoyed creating nature faces, leaf faces, bug hunts and den building. We have lots more fun activities planned.
Fruit faces
-We enjoyed creating our own fruit faces, this helped us develop our fine motor skills through cutting and chopping. It also helped us cement our learning about different facial features and spark conversation relating to our own similarities and differences. The best part was certainly tasting them.. yummy!
Scribble club
-Nursery have enjoyed starting scribble club, this explores how to add extra joy to mark making and scribbling through invention, magic and story. In Nursery we are sparking the interest into mark making, drawing, writing and scribbling. The children have invented their own stories, characters and creations through scribble club. We carry out scribble club together during group inputs and during provision time during co-play. We are really developing our early writing skills!
Loose part nature faces
-Nursery have had lots of fun making loose part nature faces, they have thought hard about their own features and used different items to resemble the different features.
Gallery 22-23
Seaside day!
We had a great seaside day in nursery! We made our own slushes, played traditional seaside games, designed our own ice creams, played in the sand and water and the best part completed our ice cream order forms and made our own ice creams. Yummy!
Tropical World & Roundhay park!
Sports day 2023!
Mental Health Awareness
We made our own feelings tree in Nursery, to help us think about how we are feeling. We used green for good, orange for unsure or wobbly and red for sad. We discussed why we feel the way we do and decided to make our own feelings Monster because we know if we share our worries this can help us feel better. We worked together and created 'Lollipop the worry Monster'.