Week Beginning 11th October 202115 October 2021 (by admin) |
We have had a very busy week in Reception this week. Our week began with an exciting visit from KL Falconry where we got to meet Tilly, Herby and Libby the owls. The children asked some amazing questions to gather more information about them they stayed really quiet throughout the duration of the visit to ensure that they did not scare the owls. The children also used lots of our favourite phrases and vocabulary from the story 'The Owl Babies' which showed how much they had learnt. Please take a look at our photo gallery to see photos from the day!
In our Maths this week we have been comparing objects according to their size. We have been using the language: bigger, smaller, tall, short, longer etc. You could see if your child is able to use the language at home when comparing different objects in your house.
We have been practicing really hard for our Harvest Festival and we can't wait to share the video with you all!
In phonics we have learnt the sounds: j,v,y,w,th. Please look out for our video on MarvellousMe where we will model these letters to you.
Our Learning Champion this week is: Lucas
Our Values Champion this week is: Henry