Friday 8th October 20218 October 2021 (by admin) |
What an exciting week we've all had! Monday morning set us up perfectly with a visit from author, Grandad Dave. The children thoroughly enjoyed his story telling and were really enthused about writing their own Traction Man stories. Our stories will hopefully be ready to share with you next week!
Our Year Two enjoyed the first of their forest school sessions on Wednesday and it was lovely to see them walking around the forest area in their wellies searching for bugs! Year One had an equally great time with our PE coach, Mr Wilson. They had fun improving their ball skills and playing games.
Thursday (or Superhero Day as it has since become) was most definitely a highlight! The children all looked wonderful and the excitement certainly didn't put them off from working so hard!
Our Learning Champion for this week is Kyra, for her fantastic descriptive writing.
Our Values Champion for this week is Rocky, for showing great resilience towards our maths challenges.