Week Beginning 4th October 20218 October 2021 (by admin) |
I am very proud of how well the children have accessed our provision and areas and have developed their listening skills this week! Well done everyone! In our Talk through Story time we have listened to the story On the way home by Jill Murphy. There is a link attached so you can share the story at home with your child We have been practicing key phrases such as "Fee fi fo fum, a tasty girl for my hungry tum" See if your can join in with this phrase at home!
W have been concentrating on friendship as part of our PSED this week. The children have been sharing and taking turns and we created a friendship recipe as a class. In our maths this week we have focused on comparing amounts. We used the language of more and fewer to compare. The children were able to use a ten frame to help them count using 1:1 correspondence.
We all had an amazing Superhero day and everyone looked fantastic in their costumes. Please make sure to take a look at our photo gallery! The children enjoyed creating their own superhero masks in our creative area.