Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

  1. News
  2. Reception - Miss Cummings
  3. Week Beginning 4th October

Week Beginning 4th October

8 October 2021 (by admin)

 What an amazing week we have had in reception this week! We have started learning a story called Cottonwool Colin by Jeanne Willis. It is all about a little mouse called Colin who gets wrapped up in cotton wool to keep him safe. He learns that it is ok to be scared sometimes. The children have started learning phrases from the story. Here is the link if you want to share the story again at home. 

In maths this week we have been comparing amounts saying when someone has more or fewer. We have also been comparing numbers saying which is the biggest number and which is the smallest.

We had a fantastic day on Thursday when we came dressed as superheroes. Please take a look at our photo gallery to see some of the amazing costumes.