Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

  1. News
  2. Reception - Miss Braime
  3. Week Beginning 27th September

Week Beginning 27th September

1 October 2021 (by admin)

We have had another amazing week in reception. The children have loved telling their friends all about their family and the people who they live with. 

In Phonics this week we have been learning the letters c, k, u, b, and f. There is a video on this page for you to practice the letters, you could even send a video or photo of your child having a go at them at home. 

In Maths we have been sorting different objects according to their colour, size and shape and the children have been able to explain how shapes are the same. We have even been naming lots of 2D shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, circle and hexagon.