Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

  1. News
  2. Nursery
  3. Weekly Journal Friday 1st October 2021

Weekly Journal Friday 1st October 2021

30 September 2021 (by admin)

Find out what we have got up to this week...

We have had a wonderful week this week learning all about our bodies and have some keen scientists in Nursery class.

We observed our different body parts in the mirror and practiced pulling different faces, we played body part bingo where a teacher showed the children a picture card and children named the part and found it on themselves, we drew around our hands and feet and we have drawn some fantastic self portraits.

We have also enjoyed a mixture of weather this week meaning we have had some sunny outdoor time, and also some very rainy outdoor learning. This did not stop the children from partaking in nature hunts collecting conkers, sycamore seeds, a variety of leaves and much more.

Please do send your child next week with names on all of their belongings (including water bottles) so that when we are changing into our wellies and outdoor kit we can find our regular clothes easily again after. 

Friday challenge- please send your child in next week with a picture of them celebrating their most recent birthday, additionally if you have a family portrait that you are happy for us to display in the classroom home corner please also share this with us. (NOTE- Please send copies rather than the original in case these become damaged in our play).